Monday, May 22, 2006

I want so much to call you, yet I worry about the repercussions.In my mind, you are in an abusive relationship. In my mind, I want to take you away from it all. Yet in my mind, something tells me that you would not follow me. Perhaps I have not earned the right to take you anywhere - simply because I do not have the courage to. Perhaps also because you have never really asked me to.

Talk about self-contradictions. It's amazing how our minds work, how we proclaim ourselves as the most intelligent creatures on Earth yet we failed to control our own emotions. The kind of things that we get ourselves into - TROUBLE.

Maybe, I just miss you, my dear old friend.


Love, like you will never get hurt.I read this somewhere, long ago.

I remember thinking back then, even as I do now, that that is the only way to love. Not sparingly, not reservedly, but unrestrainedly. And abandonedly. Yet, too often, too many people withhold their hearts, as if love was a commodity to precious to selflessly share with anyone.

Let's move on to a slightly less intense topic. SCHOOL.
I feel so proud of myself cause I finished my 1000++ word GP essay on Politics today ON TIME. TA DA! We werent told beforehand about it! And I think I did a pretty decent job. Keeping my fingers crossed now.

No doubt, there's increasing tension and competition among students, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Human Nature - People can only obtain their maximum potential/capacity under MODERATE (mind you!) pressure.


Sunday, May 21, 2006

the COUCH POTATO strikes back,

after several weeks of procastinatings, Im finally back cos Yukai can't stop whining? LOL. Anyway I just came back not long from my cousin's wedding dinner. What an awfully sweet couple!

Marriage is a sentence, not word. Yes, its a PUN, just trying to show off my "arty-farty" skills that I have learnt frm Razal. It takes a lot to get into a relationship with someone else and maintaining it. It takes a HELL LOT more to push the r/s into another HIGHER level - MARRIAGE.

Now it's no longer just about going out for movies, dinners, dates. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD with soooooo many things to look out for now - kids, in-laws, car, house, taxes, and bills. OH MAN.

No wonder they say Marriage is the grave of all love. And people these days dont really value the significance of the word "I DO". Marriage is supposed to be a LIFELONG commitment, a promise you make to your other half for ETERNITY - till death pulls us apart those kind.

BUT NOW. just look at the rising divorce rates in SG. *shakes head.


Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Some days I miss you more than others. Today is one such day. I sat down to eat and accidentally ordered your favourite drink. It seems to have become my favourite drink now. Is that not strange?

As I went through lunch, I thought of a millions things that I would have loved to do with you; the places we would go, the food we would eat, and the experiences we would have.

This is probably gonna be the last post that you. My life's not just about you. I need to put an end to all this. Enough is Enough.
Your messages to me, and your words had this 'finality' about them. And I realised that perhaps the time has come for me to let go.


Friday, May 05, 2006

It may be over but it won't stop there,
I am here for you if you'd only care.
You touched my heart you touched my soul.
You changed my life and all my goals.
And love is blind and that I knew when,
My heart was blinded by you.

Yesterday, in one breath you were mine,
and then you were not.
W were so close, yet so far;
almost there and almost not.

Because I want so much for you to be happy.
As much as I want you by my side,

I am a dreamer and when i wake,
You can't break my spirit
- it's my dreams you take.
And as you move on,
remember me.
remember us and all we used to be.



Spare all the Introductions and Goodbyes Just read and shut up.

January 2006
February 2006
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April 2006
May 2006
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August 2006
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DESIGNER: %untitled--LOVE``♥
IMGAGE: outspoken-kate; photobucket