Saturday, May 31, 2008

I go ":D :D :D :D :D"

Strait Times & Business Times with Hot Chocolate
Long bus rides with Letters to Sam (my read-out-loud version)
Random bitchings about passerby As who forgot to shave their armpits.
Peek-a-boo at Andrea's workplace, gossips while folding clothes
Fountain of Wealth, w/o the laser stunts
Weird Taxi Uncles.
Chocolate-coated Marshmallows with grape fillings
Viwawa Bridge
Phonechats over a cigarette
Checking my gmail for e-letters

Really, the company matters.

It's when you stop trying to be happy, that you truly free yourself to be happy.


Friday, May 23, 2008

We want to wear what everyone else is wearing; only we want to wear it better.
Where's my spring break?

Click Click.
Check Check.
-Open New Window-
Read Read
Flying Kisses
My Cyber-romance

I'm smiling so much now that my jaws hurt.


Monday, May 19, 2008

thanks to sk, i finally know what Vesak Day truly means.
God's birthday! Happy Birthday!

"Mac" For Thought.
Im surrounded with Tiger Woods wannabes now
So I escape into the cyberworld to find my own piece of heaven

just because you are born in a christian family doesn't automatically make you a christian. God doesn't have grandchildren. He only has children. going to church doesn't make you a christian. just like how you don't become a car when you walk into a garage, neither do you become a big mac the moment you walk into mcdonald's.

Thanks yellowshoess's sister.
The world is getting wiser these days.

Andrea's right, the younger ones are getting way too cool.


Saturday, May 17, 2008


Hear the faint music coming out from the gym,
No body on body.
No gays.
Only happy people
and soma (fruitella)

So into golf,
Swinging with Angelina Jolie, SJP, Katie, and whoever else you can find in "OK!, Hello, Woman's Own, Woman's Day, Glamour"
You name them, I swing(read) them.

Tiger Woods?
He's at the bottom of the shelves.
Gathering dust so that no girls would want him.
He's married
Gathering dust is his duty.

Golf is slow, silly and BORING
Outfits are ugly
Thou shall DIE.

golf, library, sunday, super not cool.



Thursday, May 08, 2008

lovers and haters.



Monday, May 05, 2008

The "Last" Holiday

Long bus rides are evil. Alone-time allows dreadful thoughts to creep in. I'm vulnerable to such, only because I am too happy now.

Death is cruel, he likes to rob you away when your life is on track, just when you are beginning to love life.

I know because I know.

On my way back, I was greeted with a Chinese traditional funeral, the ones with tons of paper money and people all dressed in cheap white tees. My "neighbor" has a fanciful huge house that is bigger than my room, decorated with miles of neon lights. I don't know if I would like something like that.

Then, I saw a puppy that resembles Pepsi.

Sheena's friend just passed away.
She's barely 18.
I don't know her personally, but it somehow strikes me.
"Can't escape Death, Death finds you"
reminds me of "Final Destination"

She has yet to check out the view from Singapore Flyer, catch the Youth Olympics and Euro Cup 2008, laugh her ass off while watching Harold and Kumar, gamble at Singapore's very own casino, check out Velvet Underground, Marriage, Motherhood, Mother-in-laws, Grandparenthood, Life.

I need a full medical check up soon. Probably end of the month. Why the delay?
Probably cause I cant deal with facts really well. I kinda derive happiness from this uncertainty. What if I only have like 2 weeks to live. I really don't want to know my expiry date that quick. I think I'm sick. Okay, this is becoming more like some postmodern theory Andrea was working on, the one about "when a person tries to pretend to be sick, and is convinced that he/she is sick, he/she begins to develop sick-like symptoms" or something like that.

There is a service that some US company is providing now "Peter is dying, he approaches the company, writes down his last words for his close ones first. One day after Peter's death, the company will email his last messages to his close friends" An idea that P.S I Love You revolves around.

I doubt I'm gonna do that. That probably sucks big time. Death means I'm dead. Fullstop. Period.

RULES to follow after my death (at my funeral)

To whom it may concern:

You guys will play 98.7 (cos Im a freaking mainstream person), drink red wine, have pepper-lunch and have maggi mashed potatoes as dessert, play bridge and mahjong

Praise me! (for instance how pretty I am, how I make braces look good)

Nobody is allowed to cry. Yes Andrea, dont cry.

Andrea, please keep an eye on Preston (if he's still my boyfriend then), make sure no girls try to pretend to give him a shoulder to cry on!

No flirting with my cute boyfriend (if i have any) or any of my cute guyfriends ok!

You people are only allowed to talk about me on the day of my funeral, yes the day when Im reduced to ashes.

Afterwards, you guys just move on and get your life back together.

And do my famous "selective memory" tactic ok, just pretend that I migrated to North Pole, where there are no cell phones or internet connections. Only melting ice bergs.

"If nobody knows you are dead, it means you are still alive" remember?

I don't want you guys to talk about me in past tense
"Wenting was a great friend, Wenting was the prettiest girl from Literature" It is not as if I am gonna stop being your great friend after my death; or make me less pretty ok.

And if I have another shot at Life,
Next time I will laugh more, I will love more; I just won't be so afraid.

And please don't take this entry too seriously, I don't take myself seriously all the time. It makes everything more bearable, even Death.


Friday, May 02, 2008

I spell names out loud
This takes guts.
Really, Andy
Shut the f up.


Thursday, May 01, 2008

Enjoy May's first breeze

1.First of May's a public holiday
2. Chen Papa gave me more more money
3.My Best Friend Andrea is making good progress with Stranger R(double-e)
4.Best Friend Beng woke up naked and wasted
5.Boyfriend P is awfully endearing.

I was talking to Boyfriend P about our childhood days, You see I don't wanna miss out any tiny part of his life that I was not part of, so I want to know MORE MORE MORE of what made him, him now.

Boyfriend P is a King Kong who is extremely picky with food. He is racist when it comes to veg. He does not eat any veg that is not green, cos its wrong for veg to be orange, yellow, purple or white. Therefore, he hates eggplants, spring onions, corns, carrots and other non-green veg. BAD NEWS.


I grew up listening to Chen Papa's teachings (now frequently used as study materials):
"Finish up the food, or else your future husband(boyfriend) will have many pimples"

I think I see a pimple popping now.

Thankiew eeuu kInG KoNgzZzZ



Spare all the Introductions and Goodbyes Just read and shut up.

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