Friday, June 20, 2008

"How many days are there in a year?"
"What time is it now?"

My calendar has 340 days.
My clock has only the Minute hand too. So I will not be forced to take part in the race with Time (cos he always win and my ego hates to lose)



Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Overused Chatlines.

"Let's talk"
"We need to talk"
Everyone wants to talk, and nobody listens.
Talks are made compulsary, and listen - just an option.
The mouth goes yakyakyak, nobody cares if nobody cares.
Nobody cares.

God bless the open-minded.
(Im getting all worked up after watching "A Girl Like Me: The Gwen Araujo Story" (2006))

"Along with the typical struggles of being raised by a single mother, Eddie Araujo (Pardo) has always kept a secret that sets him apart from his two siblings. Upon entering high school, Eddie embraces his personal reality as a young woman trapped in a man’s body. Life changes drastically after he changes his name to Gwen and begins to dress in women’s clothes. When Gwen starts dating an ex-Marine, tensions reach a dangerous high as disapproval escalates at home and at school. After Gwen is senselessly killed, her mother Sylvia (Ruehl) honors her memory by acting as an advocate for all transgendered people. This thought-provoking drama is based on a true story."

I don't understand why no one was charged and convicted of a hate crime. My eight months old baby pillow was watching it with me and at the end of the movie he said, but they did hate her, Mummy!
They did hit her non-stop for 5 entire hours, killed her, tied her dead body in the woods and blueberry pancakes afterwards. Oh, and you are saying they didn't really HATE her?

Listen to the cries of truth, and stop talking about society regulations.

Im trying to get my hands on "Boys Don't Cry (1996)" now.


We give our phones names.

"hyperoma" (my friend who wants to be known as her lj nick)
names her previous mobile phone: harajuku cupcake
Her new mobile phone is called : stereo sushi

I think Im more old school
My phone who has been serving me for... 2 yrs+
has a pet name called "HelloHello"



Monday, June 16, 2008

I sell-fish.
I dont want to sell fish today!
(sorry, i dont know what e f* im talking about here)
I want talk about my "do-not-needs" instead of my "needs and wants"

do not need a 1st Class Honors Degree in Literature to know tt Im secretly gifted at it.
do not need to put a lot of pictures here to attract blog-fans.
do not need 87275857457457843578 secret admirers
do not need so many blisters around my foot.
do not need a boyfriend who drives, I can easily flag a cab with 1 finger

I do DESPERATELY need my paycheck.
I will work soooo very dilligently!
I will cheer and hop around in circles!
I will donate $1 to China's Earthquake victims.
I wanna buy present for MR. Boyfriend !!


Sunday, June 15, 2008

It occurs to me that a loud silence allows room for observations.

It amazes how mundane routine-like images make it to the list of my favourite things.

I like to see old husbands reading 'Business Times' with their wives next to them reading 'Women's Weekly'
I like to see old husbands jotting down notes from 'Herald Tribute' with their wives next to them also holding a pencil in hand, but solving the word puzzles from 'HELLO!'
I like to see old husbands putting down their copy of 'Fortune' and peep over their wives' shoulders to have a glimpse of what's in "Her World"
(More often than not, they swap magazines to read afterwards)
I like to see old husbands dozing off,enjoying the bliss of silence, while their wives just look at their faces gently, only nudging them softly when they start snoring.

I think Im beginning to love my job and old people. :)


It has been 15 days since I had handed over my punchcard (may's), and I still have not smell cold hard cash yet.
Mr. Boyfriend brings out the heroic side of him and said tt he's gonna bring me to "MOM" to sue them cos SICC is the richest club in Singapore. My pay is peanuts! One member's 1st-timer membership is enough to pay me for 400 months, for goodness sake.

This is extremely dreadful!! Im pressing for time and money now. I need to pay up my Bangkok tickets and SHOP!

Desperate situations, queer measures.
Now I'm checking out all the lovely sprees that are outgoing -
Making careful little notes on a piece of paper
All the stuff I "am"ordering (if i have the $$)
Then, pleased with myself and "my buys"
Then, I gracefully click on the "X" icon on the top right hand corner
And throw tt piece of paper into the trashbin.
Feed my mind with the nice illusions of new buys,
Window-shopping to the next level.

To satisfy the hunger for new clothes and sprees.
I play make-believe.


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Mr. Boyfriend's noble deeds:

Likewise, the list of Mr.Boyfriend's noble deeds only gets longer each other.
Mr. Boyfriend is the BEST BOYFRIEND in the entire world.

*He went down on his knees to help me stick plasters all over my swollen blisters-infested foot (at CINE!!!)
*He massaged my swollen blisters-infested foot (which were dirty cos i walked bare-footed @ my neighborhood)
*He pouted when I refused to hand him my leg at 1st!!

Sidetrack, a middle eastern asked Mr Boyfriend if he's from Middle East. HAHAHAHA. "you middle east?" , "you muslim?"



Saturday, June 07, 2008

I made a shopping list of must-get items once I get my pay,
High waist shorts, Big Beautiful dresses, Deadly heels and more bling blangs
And bangkok-funds.
As Im struggling between my priorities,
I read a little book extract online,
and I have the sudden urge to spend my last 30 bucks (of allowance) on this book.

Wait or not to wait?!
So right now, Im tempting to seduce my best friend Beng into buying this book so I can get to read it for FREE. Afterall, he's the only friend I have who really pays for books, like really BUY books.
Andrea&I are more like the "You buy 1st, then remember to lend me(us) sort"


A Book for all literature greeks, hipsters, reality TV whores, pop culture fans

The extract attached, I know it's tad too long, but I have a friend to impress & advertise here

No woman will ever satisfy me. I know that now, and I would never try to deny it. But this is actually okay, because I will never satisfy a woman, either.

Should I be writing such thoughts? Perhaps not. Perhaps it's a bad idea. I can definitely foresee a scenario where that first paragraph could come back to haunt me, especially if I somehow became marginally famous. If I become marginally famous, I will undoubtedly be interviewed by someone in the media, and the interviewer will inevitably ask, "Fifteen years ago, you wrote that no woman could ever satisfy you. Now that you've been married for almost five years, are those words still true?"

And I will have to say, Oh, God no. Those were the words of an entirely different person -- a person whom I can't even relate to anymore. Honestly, I can't image an existence without _____. She satisfies me in ways that I never even considered. She saved my life, really.

Now, I will be lying. I won't really feel that way. But I'll certainly say those words, and I'll deliver them with the utmost sincerity, even though those sentiments will not be there. So then the interviewer will undoubtedly quote lines from this particular paragraph, thereby reminding me that I swore I would publicly deny my true feelings, and I'll chuckle and say, "Come on, Mr. Rose. That was a literary device. You know I never really believed that."

But here's the thing: I do believe that. It's the truth now, and it will be in the future. And while I'm not exactly happy about that truth, it doesn't make me sad, either. I know it's not my fault. It's no one's fault, really. Or maybe it's everyone's fault. It should be everyone's fault, because it's everyone's problem. Well, okay...not everyone . Not boring people, and not the profoundly retarded. But whenever I meet dynamic, nonretarded Americans, I notice that they all seem to share a single unifying characteristic: the inability to experience the kind of mind-blowing, transcendent romantic relationship they perceive to be a normal part of living.

And someone needs to take the fall for this. So instead of blaming no one for this (which is kind of cowardly) or blaming everyone (which is kind of meaningless), I'm going to blame John Cusack. ... I remember taking a course in college called "Communication and Society," and my professor was obsessed by the belief that fairy tales like "Hansel and Gretel" and "Little Red Riding Hood" were evil. She said they were part of a latent social code that hoped to suppress women and minorities. At the time, I was mildly outraged that my tuition money was supporting this kind of crap; years later, I have come to recall those pseudo-savvy lectures as what I loved about college. But I still think they were probably wasteful, and here's why: Even if those theories are true, they're barely significant. "The Three Little Pigs" is not the story that is fucking people up. Stories like Say Anything are fucking people up. We don't need to worry about people unconsciously "absorbing" archaic secret messages when they're six years old; we need to worry about all the entertaining messages people are consciously accepting when they're twenty-six.

They're the ones that get us, because they're the ones we try to turn into life. I mean, Christ: I wish I could believe that bozo in Coldplay when he tells me that stars are yellow. I miss that girl. I wish I was Lloyd Dobler. I don't want anybody to step on a piece of broken glass. I want fake love. But that's all I want, and that's why I can't have it.

AH Beng, it has your favourite word "SEX" in its title, I m so sure you'll love reading it.
"Letters to Sam" is lonely, needs "SEX"


Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I used to work at Yves Saint Laurent,
I was ignorant, I shocked a guest from Paris when I hinted that Y.S.L himself is dead decades ago.
Pardon me. I was a freshman out from college back then.
The closest I ever got to YSL was probably YSL rouge 132.

Bidding farewell to teen-hood.
Bidding farewell to the legend YSL himself, who passed away recently (for real)

I welcome Wen the sophiscated modern new-age woman and her new love/admiration towards Mr. YSL.

“The most beautiful clothes that can dress a woman are the arms of the man she loves. But for those who haven’t had the fortune of finding this happiness, I am there.” -- Yves Saint Laurent

YSL was a jolly good fellow.


Tuesday, June 03, 2008

A litte girl, I think around 12 years old, is sitting in front of me now reading "Brides".
She's secretly planning her wedding already!
Close friends who know me well enough, know that i too, planned my wedding @ the age 12.

Aww.. ok wake up.

Now @ the age of 20, (fakes a self-important voice)
"Mei Mei, Getting married is not about the wedding."


Monday, June 02, 2008

Pardon my mistake for not logging off my friendster acc after Im done
This is unforgivable especially when Im using a public computer @ SICC.
BUT, editting my profile without my prior knowledge
IS not cool.
Making me appear like some sex deprived whore
IS not funny.
IS angry.


Sunday, June 01, 2008

First Day of My Life - Bright Eyes

OUR song.
To: my boyfriend who is tearing wires down at the click5 concert.

"First Day of My Life" - Bright Eyes

This is the first day of my life
Swear I was born right in the doorway
I went out in the rain, suddenly everything changed
They're spreading blankets on the beach
Yours is the first face that I saw
I think I was blind before I met you
Now I don't know where I am, don't know where I've been
But I know where I want to go

And so I thought I'd let you know
That these things take forever, I especially am slow
But I realized that I need you
And I wondered if I could come home

Remember the time you drove all night
Just to meet me in the morning
And I thought it was strange, you said everything changed
You felt as if you'd just woke up

And you said, "This is the first day of my life.
I'm glad I didn't die before I met you.
But, now I don't care, I could go anywhere with you
And I'd probably be happy."

So if you wanna be with me
With these things there's no telling
We'll just have to wait and see
But I'd rather be working for a paycheck
Than waiting to win the lottery

Besides, maybe this time it's different
I mean I really think you like me



Spare all the Introductions and Goodbyes Just read and shut up.

January 2006
February 2006
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May 2006
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August 2006
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November 2006
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November 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
January 2009


DESIGNER: %untitled--LOVE``♥
IMGAGE: outspoken-kate; photobucket