Saturday, January 31, 2009

We enter relationships for the wrong reasons.
We enter relationships for the wrong impression.
The biggest wrong of all is to enter a relationship thinking "this time round, things will be different"

What makes things different?
A different guy?
But what if a different guy is not different?
What if a different guy is different ?
But what if the end is not different?

"What if..... But what if......"


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I have a one-way ticket to hell!



Monday, January 12, 2009

Andrea once made such a comment "You care too much abt what people think of you"
I say, she's almost right.
I care a lot on what the people I care think of me.

I just find it rather amusing that I have "known" this person for slightly more than 3 years now.
And till date, I have never ever made a single nasty/bitchy/rude/negative comment on that person. Close friends should know that I like to bitch about everything, and the fact that the person has been "pardoned" from that, probably goes to show how special a friend i "thought" he/she is.

Even today, when Im talking to new friends or recalling back the good old days, I have nothing but NICE THINGS to say about that person.
Strangely enough, I have to hear such remarks u made about me from a new friend. When he first mentioned my name, he said. You appeared to be in a state of shock + speechless and then you started laughing madly (?) and then you used merely 2 words to describe me "loud and eccentric".

I forced a laugh.

I told myself, nah. It must be your weird sense of humor acting up again. Or maybe because you are neither here, nor there so you dont really know where the line is. I guess u can be loud and eccentric in a positive manner. I supposed U can use to word "eccentric" on Johnny Depp, so im pleased to have any forms of associations with him.
I tried to convince myself that those words did not mean to be hurtful but just a bad case of a nasty joke.

But he added, "she/he told me not to tell you". That really ended the act.



Spare all the Introductions and Goodbyes Just read and shut up.

January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
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August 2006
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January 2009


DESIGNER: %untitled--LOVE``♥
IMGAGE: outspoken-kate; photobucket